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Neewollah News and Press Releases

Neewollah News will include a variety of news releases related to Neewollah. News items are listed in newest to oldest order (top to bottom) and are not normally removed even if they become outdated. Please check back often for updated news.

Queen Neelah Summer Workshop set for June 25

Neewollah 2023 Queen’s Co-Directors Julie King and Brenda White have announced the Queen Neelah Summer Workshop, scheduled for Sunday, June 25, at 2 p.m. at the Independence Country Club.

This event is designed for any girl who will be a senior in high school during the 2023-24 school year and is interested in learning more about participation in the annual Queen Neelah pageant. Those attending are encouraged to bring a parent or guardian.

The workshop will include presentations about pageant requirements, a fashion show and the opportunity to ask questions of pageant volunteers and past candidates. The event is hosted by workshop co-chairs Sarah Kelley and Breezy LaForge.

The workshop is an informational session only. Girls attending will not be required to commit to pageant participation at this meeting. The deadline for participant packets will be August 6, and more information on that process will be released at a later date.

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